Little Becomes MuchGiving and Support

We invite you to sow into our ministries and outreach.

We offer a convenient way to send your tithes, offerings, and gifts using your debit or credit card online.

Giving and Support for Ministries of Wesley Church of Hope UMC
  • Tithes, offerings, gifts and donations are processed securely online via PayPal or CashApp ($WCOHUMC).
  • No PayPal account required.  You may donate using your Paypal account OR your debit or credit card.  You will receive an email confirmation and receipt for your records.

You may also mail your gifts and offerings to:
Wesley Church of Hope United Methodist Church
2935 Bulen Avenue
Columbus, OH 43207

Get involved!

Become an e-member!  You are invited to participate in our ministries.  Sign up now to get involved in transforming our community by putting God’s love into action.

 Our Doxology

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.