Help Repair the Roof at Wesley Church of Hope
Help us "Raise the Roof"
We are launching this campaign to raise the funds needed for immediate repairs to the roof of Wesley Church of Hope United Methodist Church. Several new leaks and damage discovered have made the roof repair an even greater priority. To complete the roof repairs by September, we need to raise an additional $45,000. We are asking for your help and support to make the needed repairs so we can "raise the roof" and continue providing hope, support and love in our community.
At Wesley Church of Hope, we believe in putting God's love in to action! We have been providing ministries, community programs, and outreach in Far South Columbus for the past 15 years. Our current community initiatives include free family movie nights, fresh produce giveaways, COVID Vaccinations, and various other community programs.
With your help, we can continue our mission to share the good news of God's love and grace. Donate today at https://gofund.me/c0ccc528